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RE: Need a Security Consultant

You have a good point.

Also, I am an Information Security Officer and I think that "highly   
secure" and "cost-effective" are mutually exclusive terms in data   
security. Not that you don't.

From:  Jon Tegethoff[SMTP:secbydes@thoughtport.com]
Sent:  Thursday, June 27, 1996 1:49 AM
To:  www-security
Subject:  Re: Need a Security Consultant

>One of the things which sets us apart from our competitors is that
>we are the only Information Security consulting company which is
>staffed with former Information Security Officers (ISOs) who have
>a proven track of success in implementing highly secure, cost-
>effective Information Security.

The word "only" overstates your case more than a bit.  Neither your   
nor yours is the "only" company staffed with Information Security   
with a proven track record.

* Jon Tegethoff           jet@secbydes.com *
* Cypher-Sage        1605 South Garden St. *
* Palatine, Il  60067        847-397-2646  *
